Jun 3, 2023
Conference 02/03 | Unibond 03/04 | Conference North 04/05 | Conference 05/06 | Conference 06/07 | |||||
Barnet | 208 | Alfreton | 95 | Alfreton | 95 | Accrington | 33 | Aldershot | 241 |
Burton | 96 | Altrincham | 42 | Altrincham | 42 | Aldershot | 241 | Altrincham | 42 |
Chester | 42 | Ashton | 42 | Ashton | 42 | Altrincham | 42 | Burton | 96 |
D&R | 230 | Barrow | 87 | Barrow | 87 | Burton | 96 | Cambridge United | 200 |
Doncaster | 108 | Blyth Spartans | 172 | Bradford PA | 74 | Cambridge United | 200 | Crawley Town | 258 |
Farnborough | 233 | Bradford PA | 74 | Droylsden | 49 | Canvey Island | 254 | D&R | 230 |
Forest Green | 168 | Burscough | 9 | Gainsborough Trinity | 130 | Crawley Town | 258 | Exeter City | 260 |
Gravesend | 245 | Droylsden | 49 | Harrogate | 79 | D&R | 230 | Forest Green | 168 |
Halifax | 68 | Frickley | 97 | Hinckley Utd | 127 | Exeter City | 260 | Gravesend | 245 |
Hereford | 157 | Gainsborough Trinity | 130 | Hucknall Town | 107 | Forest Green | 168 | Grays Athletic | 244 |
Kettering | 155 | Harrogate | 79 | Kettering | 155 | Gravesend | 245 | Halifax | 68 |
Leigh | 28 | Hucknall Town | 107 | Lancaster | 44 | Grays Athletic | 244 | Kidderminster | 119 |
Margate | 299 | Lancaster | 44 | Moor Green | 114 | Halifax | 68 | Morecambe | 45 |
Morecambe | 45 | Marine | 13 | Nuneaton | 126 | Hereford | 137 | Northwich | 41 |
Northwich | 41 | Radcliffe | 42 | Redditch Utd | 127 | Kidderminster | 119 | Rushden | 166 |
Nuneaton | 126 | Runcorn | 30 | Runcorn | 30 | Morecambe | 45 | Stevenage | 202 |
Scarborough | 149 | Spennymoor | 122 | Stafford Rangers | 80 | Scarborough | 149 | Tamworth | 108 |
Stevenage | 202 | Stalybridge | 51 | Stalybridge | 51 | Stevenage | 202 | Woking | 229 |
Telford | 96 | Vauxhall Motors | 36 | Vauxhall Motors | 36 | Tamworth | 108 | York City | 113 |
Woking | 229 | Wakefield | 83 | Worcester | 134 | Woking | 229 | Weymouth | 279 |
Yeovil | 229 | Whitby | 156 | Worksop | 102 | York City | 113 | St Albans | 202 |
Worksop | 102 | Oxford | 185 | ||||||
Totals | 3154 | Totals | 1662 | Totals | 1831 | Totals | 3441 | Stafford | 80 |
Totals | 3821 | ||||||||
Conf North 07/08 | Conf North 08/09 | Conf North 09/10 | Conf 2010/11 | Conf 2011/12 | |||||
Alfreton | 94 | Alfreton | 94 | AFC Telford United | 88 | AFC Wimbledon | 234 | AFC Telford | 88 |
Boston Utd | 178 | Blyth Spartans | 172 | Alfreton Town | 94 | Altrincham | 42 | Alfreton | 94 |
Barrow | 87 | Burscough | 9 | Blyth Spartans | 172 | Barrow | 87 | Barrow | 87 |
Blyth Spartans | 172 | Droylsden | 49 | Corby Town | 163 | Bath | 200 | Bath | 200 |
Burscough | 9 | Farsley | 74 | Droylsden | 49 | Cambridge United | 200 | Braintree | 240 |
Gainsborough Trinity | 130 | Fleetwood | 40 | Eastwood Town | 105 | Crawley | 258 | Cambridge United | 200 |
Harrogate | 74 | Gainsborough Trinity | 130 | Farsley Celtic | 74 | Darlington | 147 | Darlington | 147 |
Hinckley Utd | 122 | Gateshead | 149 | Fleetwood Town | 40 | Eastbourne Boro | 291 | Ebbsfleet | 245 |
Hucknall Town | 124 | Harrogate | 74 | Gainsborough Trinity | 130 | Fleetwood | 40 | Fleetwood | 40 |
Hyde Utd | 55 | Hinckley | 122 | Gloucester City | 169 | Forest Green | 168 | Forest Green | 168 |
Kettering | 158 | Hucknall | 124 | Harrogate Town | 74 | Gateshead | 149 | Gateshead | 149 |
Leigh RMI | 30 | Hyde Utd | 55 | Hinckley United | 122 | Grimsby | 152 | Grimsby | 152 |
Nuneaton | 126 | Kings Lynn | 198 | Hyde United | 55 | Hayes & Yeading | 216 | Hayes & Yeading | 229 |
Redditch Utd | 122 | Redditch | 122 | Ilkeston Town | 107 | Histon | 200 | Kettering | 158 |
Solihull Moors | 122 | Solihull Moors | 122 | Northwich Victoria | 41 | Kettering | 158 | Kidderminster | 119 |
Stalybridge | 51 | Stafford | 80 | Redditch United | 122 | Kidderminster | 119 | Lincoln | 146 |
Tamworth | 108 | Stalybridge | 51 | Solihull Moors | 122 | Luton | 189 | Luton | 189 |
Telford | 88 | Tamworth | 108 | Stafford Rangers | 80 | Mansfield | 102 | Mansfield | 102 |
Vauxhall Motors | 36 | Telford | 88 | Stalybridge Celtic | 51 | Newport | 194 | Newport | 194 |
Worcester | 134 | Workington | 124 | Vauxhall Motors | 36 | Rushden & Diamonds | 166 | Stockport | 50 |
Workington | 124 | Vauxhall | 36 | Workington | 124 | Tamworth | 108 | Tamworth | 108 |
Wrexham | 57 | Wrexham | 57 | ||||||
Totals | 2144 | Totals | 2021 | Total | 2018 | York | 113 | York | 113 |
Total | 3590 | Total | 3275 | ||||||
Conf 2012/13 | Conf 2013/14 | Conf 2014/15 | Conf 2015/16 | Conf 2016/17 | |||||
AFC Telford Utd | 96 | Aldershot | 241 | AFC Telford | 96 | Aldershot | 241 | Aldershot | 241 |
Alfreton Town | 93 | Alfreton Town | 93 | Aldershot | 241 | Altrincham | 42 | Barrow | 86 |
Barrow | 86 | Barnet | 208 | Alfreton Town | 94 | Barrow | 86 | Boreham Wood | 208 |
Braintree Town | 242 | Braintree Town | 242 | Altrincham | 42 | Boreham Wood | 208 | Braintree Town | 242 |
Cambridge United | 200 | Cambridge United | 200 | Barnet | 208 | Braintree Town | 242 | Bromley | 260 |
Dartford | 243 | Chester | 42 | Braintree Town | 242 | Bromley | 260 | Chester | 42 |
Ebbsfleet | 245 | Dartford | 243 | Bristol Rovers | 184 | Cheltenham | 150 | Dag & Red | 230 |
Forest Green | 168 | Forest Green | 168 | Chester | 42 | Chester | 42 | Dover | 306 |
Gateshead | 149 | Gateshead | 149 | Dartford | 243 | Dover | 306 | Eastleigh | 242 |
Grimsby Town | 152 | Grimsby Town | 152 | Dover | 306 | Eastleigh | 242 | Forest Green | 168 |
Nuneaton | 126 | Halifax | 68 | Eastleigh | 242 | Forest Green | 168 | Gateshead | 160 |
Hereford | 137 | Hereford | 137 | Forest Green | 168 | Gateshead | 160 | Guiseley | 83 |
Hyde | 54 | Hyde | 54 | Gateshead | 160 | Grimsby Town | 152 | Lincoln City | 146 |
Kidderminster Harriers | 119 | Kidderminster Harriers | 119 | Grimsby Town | 152 | Guiseley | 83 | Macclesfield | 53 |
Lincoln City | 146 | Lincoln City | 146 | Halifax | 68 | Halifax | 68 | Maidstone | 275 |
Luton Town | 189 | Luton Town | 189 | Kidderminster Harriers | 119 | Kidderminster Harriers | 119 | North Ferriby | 127 |
Macclesfield | 53 | Macclesfield | 53 | Lincoln City | 146 | Lincoln City | 146 | Solihull | 122 |
Mansfield Town | 102 | Nuneaton | 126 | Macclesfield | 53 | Macclesfield | 53 | Sutton United | 243 |
Newport County | 194 | Salisbury | 218 | Nuneaton | 126 | Torquay | 278 | Torquay | 278 |
Stockport County | 50 | Tamworth | 108 | Torquay | 278 | Tranmere | 23 | Tranmere | 23 |
Tamworth | 108 | Welling | 251 | Welling | 251 | Welling | 251 | Woking | 229 |
Woking | 229 | Woking | 229 | Woking | 229 | Woking | 229 | Wrexham | 57 |
Wrexham | 57 | Wrexham | 57 | Wrexham | 57 | Wrexham | 57 | York | 113 |
TOTAL | 3238 | TOTAL | 3493 | TOTAL | 3747 | TOTAL | 3606 | TOTAL | 3934 |
Conf North 2017/18 | Conf North 2018/19 | Conf North 2019/20 | Conf North 2020/21 | Conf North 2021/22 | |||||
AFC Telford Utd | 89 | AFC Telford | 88 | AFC Telford | 88 | AFC Telford | 88 | AFC Telford | 88 |
Alfreton Town | 112 | Alfreton Town | 112 | Alfreton Town | 112 | AFC Fylde | 30 | AFC Fylde | 30 |
Blyth Spartans | 182 | Altrincham | 44 | Altrincham | 44 | Alfreton Town | 112 | Alfreton Town | 112 |
Boston United | 177 | Ashton United | 58 | Blyth Spartans | 166 | Blyth Spartans | 166 | Blyth Spartans | 166 |
Brackley Town | 161 | Blyth Spartans | 166 | Boston United | 179 | Boston United | 179 | Boston United | 179 |
Bradford Park Avenue | 75 | Boston United | 179 | Brackley Town | 178 | Brackley Town | 178 | Brackley Town | 178 |
Chorley | 21 | Brackley Town | 178 | Bradford Park Avenue | 77 | Bradford Park Avenue | 77 | Bradford Park Avenue | 77 |
Curzon Ashton | 56 | Bradford Park Avenue | 77 | Chester | 48 | Chester | 48 | Chester | 48 |
Darlington | 132 | Chester | 48 | Curzon Ashton | 46 | Chorley | 20 | Chorley | 20 |
FC United Of Manchester | 48 | Chorley | 20 | Darlington | 117 | Curzon Ashton | 46 | Curzon Ashton | 46 |
Gainsborough Trinity | 131 | Curzon Ashton | 46 | Farsley | 74 | Darlington | 117 | Darlington | 117 |
Harrogate Town | 80 | Darlington | 117 | Gateshead | 160 | Farsley | 74 | Farsley | 74 |
Kidderminster Harriers | 118 | FC United Of Manchester | 43 | Gloucester | 142 | Gateshead | 160 | Gateshead | 160 |
Leamington | 139 | Guiseley | 72 | Guiseley | 72 | Gloucester | 155 | Gloucester | 155 |
North Ferriby | 127 | Hereford | 139 | Hereford | 139 | Guiseley | 72 | Guiseley | 72 |
Nuneaton Town | 127 | Kidderminster Harriers | 115 | Kettering | 160 | Hereford | 139 | Hereford | 139 |
Salford City | 43 | Leamington | 150 | Kidderminster Harriers | 115 | Kettering | 160 | Kettering | 160 |
Spennymoor | 132 | Nuneaton Town | 133 | King's Lynn | 208 | Kidderminster Harriers | 115 | Kidderminster Harriers | 115 |
Stockport County | 49 | Spennymoor | 140 | Leamington | 150 | Leamington | 150 | Leamington | 150 |
Tamworth | 107 | Stockport County | 47 | Spennymoor | 140 | Spennymoor | 140 | Spennymoor | 140 |
York City | 111 | York City | 98 | York City | 98 | York City | 98 | York City | 98 |
Total | 2217 | Total | 2070 | Total | 2513 | Total | 2324 | Total | 2324 |
Conf North 2022/23 | Conf North 2023/24 | Conf North 2024/25 | SUMMARY | Tot | |||||
AFC Fylde | 30 | Alfreton Town | 112 | Alfreton Town | 112 | 2016/17 | 3934 | ||
AFC Telford | 88 | Banbury | 155 | Brackley Town | 178 | 2006/07 | 3821 | ||
Alfreton Town | 112 | Bishops Stortford | 223 | Buxton | 67 | 2014/15 | 3747 | ||
Banbury | 155 | Blyth Spartans | 166 | Chester | 48 | 2015/16 | 3606 | ||
Blyth Spartans | 166 | Boston United | 179 | Chorley | 20 | 2010/11 | 3590 | ||
Boston United | 179 | Brackley Town | 178 | Curzon Ashton | 46 | 2013/14 | 3493 | ||
Brackley Town | 178 | Buxton | 67 | Darlington | 117 | 2005/06 | 3441 | ||
Bradford Park Avenue | 77 | Chester | 48 | Farsley | 74 | 2011/12 | 3275 | ||
Buxton | 67 | Chorley | 20 | Hereford | 139 | 2012/13 | 3238 | ||
Chester | 48 | Curzon Ashton | 46 | Kidderminster | 115 | 2002/03 | 3154 | ||
Chorley | 20 | Darlington | 117 | Kings Lynn | 208 | 2023/24 | 2870 | ||
Curzon Ashton | 46 | Farsley | 74 | Leamington | 150 | 2022/23 | 2735 | ||
Darlington | 117 | Gloucester | 155 | Marine | 13 | 2024/25 | 2631 | ||
Farsley | 74 | Hereford | 139 | Needham Market | 244 | 2019/20 | 2513 | ||
Gloucester | 155 | Kings Lynn | 208 | Oxford City | 179 | 2020/21 | 2324 | ||
Hereford | 139 | Peterborough Sports | 162 | Peterborough Sports | 162 | 2021/22 | 2324 | ||
Kettering | 160 | Rushall | 98 | Radcliffe | 45 | 2017/18 | 2217 | ||
Kidderminster Harriers | 115 | Scarborough | 149 | Rushall | 98 | 2007/08 | 2144 | ||
Kings Lynn | 208 | Scunthorpe | 125 | Scarborough | 149 | 2018/19 | 2070 | ||
Leamington | 150 | South Shields | 166 | Scunthorpe | 125 | 2008/09 | 2021 | ||
Peterborough Sports | 162 | Spennymoor | 140 | South Shields | 166 | 2009/10 | 2018 | ||
Scarborough | 149 | Tamworth | 107 | Spennymoor | 140 | 2004/05 | 1831 | ||
Spennymoor | 140 | Warrington | 36 | Warrington | 36 | 2003/04 | 1662 | ||
Total | 2735 | Total | 2870 | Total | 2631 |